Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 A Quilting Review

I'm beginning to understand that a year is a lot like a growing child.  One minute, it's newborn..all pink and fresh and sweet smelling and the next it's kind of a stinky, moody pre-teen boy.  Yep, now you get the picture of what we're dealing with in our house!!

I completed a total of 20 quilts for charity this year, ranging in size from child to lap...

And there's still plenty left over to keep me busy well into hand quilting this antique beauty

I'm slowing it down a bit this year and going for larger quilts rather than quantity.  What's on your quilting 'plate' for this year?  Have you already got a new project in mind?

I'm linking to Lily's Quilts.

Happy quilting, y'all!

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