Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Countdown

Christmas is almost here!  The kids are home today, practically bouncing off the walls because Dear Hubby is taking us all around town to view Christmas lights and they. just. can't. wait!

The closer we get, the faster time seems to go.  Monday evening, DH took us to a live Nativity hosted by a local nursing home.
Who's got the bigger smile...the kids or the camel?

Paige brought home some pretty artwork which I dutifully ooohed and aaahed over...and smiled when I got to the last bit of writing.

I've baked cookies until I thought my arms would fall off.  Today, I had a helper who sported a 'Holiday Meal Director' apron and sweet smile.

And Lulu waited patiently for someone, anyone to drop a cookie please, please, please drop a cookie!

Paige and I ventured out this morning to WalMart..and no, I hadn't lost my mind.  I actually parked within walking distance of the entrance and everyone was civilized.  Leave it to one of my kids to inform me this close to Christmas that they'd outgrown their blue jeans.  Sorry, but Mommy does not want to wash uniform pants every other day through Christmas break, so out we went.  Didn't I say on Monday I'm not going into another store until after Christmas?  I believe I said it again Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday...all while standing in some line!  Smile.

I went down to Mom's Thursday night to sew with her and my aunt and managed to get two rag quilts infant and one toddler size.  Yay, me!

I really like rag quilts.  They're quick and easy.  Unfortunately, they're also a tad messy.

Yep, that's my dryer filter.  Ick!  But the payoff is a snuggly quilt for a little one so it's all good!

This last little bit, we picked up while we were out this morning.  I'm not sure what the significance is, but Paige reminded me Santa nicely left some in their stockings last year.  And who doesn't love a gold wrapped bit of chocolate yumminess!

Wishing you a stress free (yeah, right), fun filled, happy Christmas surrounded by loved ones as we celebrate the real reason for the season...Jesus' birth.

Have a blessed Christmas, y'all!


  1. Merry Christmas to you too! We ventured out to Walmart yesterday too, and survived!

  2. Those gold covered chocolates are what we call Chanukah Gelt. Gelt is money and our kids use it when they play games during Chanukah. I hope she enjoys it.
    Merry Christmas
